3K monthly traffic, 2 trial subscribers.

That’s a painful situation.

When your landing page is not optimized,

Visitors leave within seconds. Money spent on ads becomes a waste Frustration takes a toll on your patience

If AI does all your copywriting, or you come from a technical background, this piece is a must-read.

Today, I’ll discuss 4 rules for landing page copywriting to 3X increase your conversion rate.

Rule 1: Captivating Headlines

Writing attention-grabbing headlines is crucial.

If your headline doesn’t hook readers, they’ll never discover your brilliant content. I

So, what makes a headline irresistible?

Avoid being vague, descriptive, or cliché. Instead, focus on benefits, facts, specificity, and curiosity. Let’s break it down:

  • Benefits: Put yourself in your readers’ shoes. How will your product or service make their lives better? Time and money are two things everyone cares about, so highlight how you can save them both.
  • Numbers, Facts, and Stats: Use these to build authority and believability. A few well-placed stats can work wonders, but make sure your headline doesn’t look like a math problem.
  • Specificity: Get into the nitty-gritty of how you’ll improve your readers’ lives. Don’t just say you’ll save them time – tell them exactly how much time they’ll save.
  • Curiosity: Unusual or dramatic word choices (like “kill,” “death,” or “destroy”) and provocative questions are a great way to keep readers hooked.

Remember, brevity is key. Keep your headline under 10 words – your readers have the attention span of a goldfish on a sugar rush.

Rule 2: Avoid trying to “Kiss Too Early

Let’s say you meet someone and immediately start discussing going on about future dates, family meetings…children!

May be, they were interested, but now you’re starting to scare them.

This is a common mistake – in romance and marketing.

Asking for their money before they even know who you are is an easy way to lose a customer.

Here’s what to do instead:

  • Prove yourself first: How, specifically, will your product or service make their lives better? How can they trust you? Empathize with their problems, prove that you can help, and show how you’ve helped other people like them (testimonials, case studies).
  • Provide options: Yes, this might go against the conventional wisdom, but offering two call-to-action options is a good way to keep everyone happy. Typical options might include a hard CTA (like “Start free trial”) and a soft CTA (like “Learn more”).
  • Capture their email: Many visitors won’t be ready to convert right away. That’s why capturing their email is super effective. A well-written email sequence can turn a doubtful visitor into a customer.

The key is to pace your pitch, just like you would in a budding romance. Take it slow, build trust, and let them come to you.

Rule 3: It’s all about THEM

You’re talking about your services, so your company must be the most important thing here, right? Wrong! It’s all about the customer.

Change the language.

Stop with the “we” and “our,” and start with the “you” and “your.” Talk directly to your readers and create a conversation.

Put yourself in their shoes. Yes, you might have experience, you might be “innovative,” you might do X, Y, and Z. But why does all of this matter to your reader?

Translate your “features/descriptions” into tangible benefits that’ll improve their lives.

For example, “digital marketing made simple” might turn into “Increase your online conversions by up to 217% with our easy-to-use tools.

Speak their language, address their pain points, and show them how your product or service can make their lives better.

Rule 4: Back your CTA with an offer they can’t refuse

Many landing pages fail to create effective calls-to-action.

In fact, some don’t have a call-to-action at all!

Why should I “subscribe” or send you a message?

What’s the direct benefit to me – and why is it important I do so right now?

Here’s how you can tackle the issue:

  • Offer a freebie. Give them something of value, and they’ll be more likely to reciprocate in return.
  • Create a sense of urgency. Scarcity and time sensitivity can seriously drive your conversions higher. This could be by highlighting a limited supply (like “Only 10 spots left!”) or a limited-time offer (such as “Sale ends in 48 hours”).
  • Make it visible. Your call-to-action can’t be desirable if no one even notices it! Use contrasting colors and a larger font size to make yours stand out like a neon sign in a dark alley.

Give your potential customers a compelling reason to take action – and make it crystal clear what that action is.

One Last Tip: While it’s not related to the copy part but make sure your website loads under 2 seconds. Because, 47% of consumers expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less.

Brutal, right?

Well, that’s all for today, see you next week.

[P. S: If you are struggling to convert your visitors into paying customers, you can hire me for FREE, and I’ll do a copy audit of your site. DM me here to discuss things further.]