It’s half past 2024 and still AI content sounds BORING.

Each word feels like it’s dragging, making the reader tune out rather than engage.

It doesn’t resonate with your audience because of the-

  • Bland tone
  • Complex language
  • Hard-to-follow structure
  • Zero emotional connection

At this point, it’s important for you to know that ‘You just need the right prompt’ is a SCAM.

No matter how good the prompt is, it still won’t cut it.

But, if you want to speed up your content production, you have no other choice than taking help from AI.

So, I have prepared a checklist to make AI generated content effective, and sound human.

But before you start writing the prompt, write down 2 things to guide yourself –

  • Why is the person going to read this?
  • What are they going to get out of this?

Now, for the checklist:

1. Keep things conversational

Is this something you would say to a person?

A simple test you can do is to read it out aloud. If it does not sound like something you would say, REWRITE it sentence by sentence the same way you would narrate it to someone.

2. Spark emotions

How do you want the reader to feel, what is the reaction you want to incite?


If your copy is not making someone ‘feel’ something, REWRITE it, and focus on one emotion. Good copy makes focuses on a single emotion.

3. Avoid difficult words and sentence structures

Write in simple language.

Write at a 7th or 8th grade reading level. This is not school where you get awarded for using impressive vocabulary.

You are speaking to the masses. For reference, The Economist writes at a 9th grade reading level, and it’s read by all the top business execs out there.

4. Don’t do all at once

Have 3 stages,

A) Draft,
B) Incubate,
C) Edit.

All of these need to be done at different times. Finish your first draft, take a break, and then come back and work on it. Do not speed this shit up – take your time and do it with at least 3 intervals.

5. Avoid certain words

Remove any of these words, and of course the other business jargon. –

‘In this world of’, ‘Unlock’, ‘Delve’, ‘Utilize’.

Anyone can identify AI from miles away if you use these phrases.

6. Write in ‘Active’ voice

Is the copy using too much passive voice?

If yes, rewrite it in active voice and make it simpler.

Active sentences are easy to read, easy to understand.

One last Tip: Remember, AI is good for shortening structures, fixing formatting organizing ideas.

If you think AI writing is good enough to use as COPY, then that’s a terrible idea.

Use it as an aid, don’t make AI ‘the writer’.

AI doesn’t have a soul. But you do. Pour that out and you’ll see far better results.

That’s all for today. See you next week.

[P. S: As a technical founder, it’s challenging to produce content on a regular basis. That’s why I help SaaS founders with

  • Article writing
  • Regular posting on Social Media
  • Email newsletter and cold email sequence
  • Engaging with potential customers using comments

Drop me a message here if you want to work with me.]