Social media is often overlooked compared to PPC, SEO and email marketing.

In my opinion, your social media profile can be a goldmine of warm prospects.

If you set up your social media account in the right way, it should give you a constant supply of warm leads every week.

The best part is, it’s way cheaper than PPC and SEO. And you also get better quality leads.

Unfortunately, most SaaS founders never utilize their social media profiles to bring them qualified leads because they don’t know it’s possible. They only care about their company page on social media and put no effort in their personal profile.

Some other reasons SaaS founders struggle to make actionable progress with social media is.

  • They’re not regular in posting and networking
  • They lack the copywriting skills to pursue potential customers
  • They don’t have a step by step system to map their customer journey
  • They only highlight their tool in the posts but don’t display care for their ICP

Today, I’m going to show SaaS founders how you can set up your social media profile in a way that it’ll act like a sales funnel for your SaaS.

With these 4 simple steps, you can use your social media profile to attract warm leads to your SaaS.

Step #1: Map the Typical Customer Journey

This step consists of the least amount of actual work yet holds the highest significance.

You need to decide what the ride is going to look like once a potential customer stumbles upon you or your post.

I’m going to give an example for LinkedIn because I believe LinkedIn is the best place to grow a B2B SaaS tool.

There are 2 possible ways of how a potential customer might stumble upon you.

  1. They might see one of your comments.
  2. Or, they might see one of your posts in their wall.

If your post or comment resonates with them, they’ll click on your name and check out your profile.

They’ll see your:

▪️ Banner,
▪️ Bio,
▪️ About and
▪️ Featured Section

Then, if they like it, they’re going to check at least 2–5 posts of yours.

A typical customer journey of a prospect through your social media profile by Kazi from Meek Academy

If all seems good, they’re going to move forward to where you want to take them. You can invite them for a DM to see if they actually fit your ICP You can drive them to your website to learn further details about your tool.

Or (I prefer this one the most) link a valuable guide about how to deal with one of their pain points in your Featured Section.

Plus, link to a case study of how your tool has helped one of your clients solve their problem(with results) And last but not the least, a video link to how your tool works to make their life easier After each of these content, guide them directly to your pricing page.

This is the most passive approach possible.

Step #2: Prepare Content for Each Touchpoint

You may have noticed by now, that while mapping out a potential customer journey, we talked about a lot of content.

In this step you need to prepare those content.

Your funnel won’t be complete if any of those content is missing.

You can either do this all by yourself or hire an experienced copywriter (i.e. me) for preparing all the content.

Develop a 30-day content plan in advance for posting an LinkedIn and ready those content beforehand.

In that content plan remember,

30% posts should be about the broad niche your tool belongs to.

For example, if it’s a productivity tool, you should talk about things like how to be more productive, the cost of being unproductive, why productivity matters etc.

30% posts should be stories/case studies about how your tool has helped your clients.

In order to be able to write these stories, you need to work closely with your initial 10-30 free/paying customers. You need to maintain a good relationship with them so that you can later use their story to build credibility for your tool.

30% post should be about the direct pain points where your tool fits in and demonstration of how someone can use your tool so solve their problem. Just because this is inbound, don’t feel shy to show demonstrations of your SaaS, even if it’s a simple screen recording.

The last 10% should be offers, to create a FOMO effect.

Regularly run offers to influence your warm leads psychologically.

Step #3: Decorate Every Touchpoint.

Every touchpoint that your potential customers goes through should work in a perfect harmony.

The major touchpoints are:

▪️ Your LinkedIn profile
▪️ Your Free Giveaway Contents(AKA lead magnets)
▪️ Your demonstration videos
▪️ Your regular posts
▪️ Your DMs
▪️ Your website

In all those places,

➡️ The tonality needs to be authoritative yet helpful.
➡️ The messaging needs to be clear & consistent.
➡️ The design needs to look professional.

Don’t treat any piece of the customer journey as unimportant. A strong, consistent vibe will help you convert 3x more clients.

Step #4: Evaluate and Iterate

So far we have covered all the basics. If you get this far and prepare everything accordingly, now is time for improving it bit by bit.

After every 2–4 weeks, you need to revisit the process and see if there’s something that needs to be improved.

You need to keep an eye out for all the minor insights your potential customers drip. Those insights will tell you which part of the process you need to improve.

For example, if potential customers are not visiting your profile even after making regular comments or posts, you need to improve your comment/post quality.

If they’re coming to your profile but not checking out the featured section or signing up for your lead magnet, there’s something wrong with your banner, bio or about section.

If you see more people are interested in having a chat with you before checking the pricing page, then inviting potential customers for a chat would be the way to go.

Based on where the bottleneck is, you need to work on that and keep improving the process.

You may not get this right on the first go, but you need to constantly watch out for improvement signals.

One last Tip: It’s crucial to focus on the quality of your leads instead of attracting a large crowd. Plan your content and networking activities to ensure maximum relevance with your ICP. Always chose relevance over virality.

Wrapping Up:

Unlike traditional marketing funnels, social media funnels require consistent effort.

Once you set up the funnel, you need to keep posting and engaging with your audience.

As customers are getting smarter every day, your strategy should adapt with their changing wants and desires.

You need a deep understanding of your ICP. Then get them to pass through one touchpoint after another.

If you introduce the right content+engagement system along with an effective social media funnel, you can easily book 10 meeting per week.

That’s all for today.

See you next week.

P.S: Busy running your SaaS biz and no time for social media? There are two ways I can help you:

➡️ Content+ Engagement system to grow a social following of potential customers 
Ghostwrite for your LinkedIn profile to book 10 meetings/week